Logo desgin

Below sits a curated selection of logo designs crafted for a range of projects and companies. Each design reflects a unique approach tailored to the specific needs, values, and personality of the brand. Some of these logos grew into fully realised branding projects, while others remain as concepts.

a Gif of the Farnham Bears logo popping up on a blue background
Viral logo in dark green with light green background, and white social media icons.
A logo of a heart and a video camera with the words Yorkshire Wedding Videography
Strong logo design is not just about aesthetics, it’s about crafting a visual identity that captures the essence of a brand and tells its story at a glance.
A white logo of a crown that resembles a 'w' on a yellow background
Green words CIYK on a black background with a sports player in the words
White speech bubble labelling 'SKINT' on a red background
A pink logo of a remote control with the words ReView in white, on a blue background
A graphic of 3 white hexagons with the words 'Blume'
Logo for Sibling Small Talk, white text with a neon green subheading
A white M on a blue background with the text 'Manning Media, Videographer'
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